IndieWorks: August Series Recap'd!

Even with the rain, we had a great turnout for last week's August IndieWorks series event. We're pleased to have had a great lineup of films, filmmakers, and make new friends from our audience. 

The awards go to...

At the end of the evening, we announced our winning filmmakers for both Audience Choice Award & Silver Whiskers Award. The Audience Choice Award is voted upon by all those in attendance, and the Silver Whiskers is judged by the CongestedCat Team based on a system rating 8 categories of Story, Dialogue/Writing, Direction, Acting, Cinematography, Sound, Editing, and Production Value. It goes on to screen at our end of the year Best of Fest event.

For the August 2013 lineup, our winning filmmakers were:
    Audience Choice Award:  "Allo" Directed by Demetrius Wren.

    Silver Whiskers Award:  "Prom Night" Directed by Celia Rowlson-Hall. 

Both filmmakers will be featured in our upcoming "IndieWorks: Insider Series", a video series we are featuring on our blog, in which we get to know each filmmaker and learn about their creative processes, insight on the industry, upcoming projects, and more! It's another way for us to further our commitment to getting local New York City filmmakers connected to their local community. The series will be released bi-monthly, following each IndieWorks screening event, and hosted by Lauren A Kennedy.

Next Month - Webseries!

Next month's IndieWorks event is specifically catered to webseries created by local filmmakers. As part of that theme, we'll be having an advance preview of our own webseries, "Kelsey: The Webseries" for all attending. It's not part of the competition, since that would be biased, y'know. Select members of the cast & crew will at the event to hang out and enjoy the other pilots as well. Definitely going to be a great night to check out IndieWorks

Thanks to all the filmmakers & film enthusiasts who came to support one another. We look forward to seeing you next month! And, be on the lookout for the next episode of the Insider Series rolling out next week, featuring Felix Thompson, Director of "The Third One This Week".