"House Near The End of The Street" Screened & Other Fest News

This past weekend, our Contest Submission "House Near The End of the Street," which ended up making the Top 10 Finalists in said contest, screened at the Macabre Faire Film Festival. It was like a mini Comic Con with hundreds of Horror Fans in attendance. Christina & Ryan had a blast meeting the audience and hearing their positive feedback on the short. 

The film also screened at the NJ HorrorFest last year. Unfortunately, we could not attend that one. But we hear it was received well. 

If you missed either of the screenings, watch the film here:


We will not be submitting the film to the any additional festivals. So feel free to watch it on our site at any time. Like this short and "Come Here Often?," our other short "S.K.A." will not be screening at any future festivals after making Official Selection at the 2013 Dark Comedy Festival, 2013 Faux Film Festival, 2013 Laugh or Die Fest & being invited to screen at the 2013 Katra Film Series

You can also watch the film on our site:


Our main festival submissions/screenings for the new year will predominately be focused on Summit, but also on Christina's new short "Juice It," "Ryan's upcoming short "Fed Up," and a few other short films we have slated for production over the summer. As always, we'll keep you updated.