Pride Parade Recap & Push for 50%! (Seed&Spark Update 11)

Good afternoon wonderful supporters,

We had quite the adventure at Pride yesterday. Not only was the parade a ton of fun, but we also got to chat with a lot of people about our film.


With homemade promotional shirts (by my aunt Merilyn) and stickers & cards, we spent much of the day approaching people & basically doing quick pitches for them. A few actually gave cash contributions and many promised to check out our campaign online. We didn't want to be too pushy but people did seem genuinely interested and supportive of what we're doing. Fingers crossed those that promised really do support us on Seed&Spark. 

Even if they all don't though, it was a fun experience and we got to meet a lot of cool people. There were 2 highlights of the day for us. The first was at the start of the day when we spoke to a family of 5. The father said, "That all sounds great except for the part about money..." He went on to explain that he had recently lost his job. We chatted with him for a bit and he said that he would spread the word. We later saw the whole family at the parade and they were all wearing our stickers, kids included. That was a small but significant moment for us. The second was at the end of the day when Kelsey and I were pretty over approaching people and were off to do an interview with (article coming later in the week). A woman stopped us, having noticed our shirts, and asked us what our link was for. We noticed people noticing and maybe even reading our shirts all day, but to have someone actually stop us and ask about them was pretty damn awesome. All in all, it was a great day!

We're resharing our Q&A with the HLC Project, in case you missed it: We're also excited to announce that we've added a Makeup Artist, Rashida Bolden, to the team thanks to our posting on Seed&Spark. We're still casting for Chris, for Not Our Living Room. We should be holding another set of auditions next week. We'll keep you updated on our progress with that.

*We're now down to 9 days left of this campaign and still have $7,459 to get to our 80% green light, and $11,459 to make our goal. We need to keep reaching people & making sure they understand why these films and our team are worth supporting. So let's keep spreading the word! We want to hit 50% today.

Tweet of the Day: Get @CongestedCat to 50% on @seedandspark. 2 character-driven, stereotype breaking films about loss: #WomenInFilm

As always, thank you for supporting & believing in us, 

Christina, Kelsey & team

P.S. We released more thank you songs today! Check out Ruth's & Dave's.