Picture Lock! (About a Donkey Seed&Spark Update)

Hey there wonderful About a Donkey Supporters!

Exciting news, we've reached picture lock! This means we're done playing around with the pacing and shot choices, and our edit is locked in place (with an 80 minute runtime). And since we've already started a rough sound mix, color grade and score, we're feeling very confident about making our end of month deadline!

To celebrate, here's a quick video that features a frame for every shot captured through principal photography!

We got to this milestone through a really beneficial feedback screening, which you can read about HERE

And through a quick pick-up shoot Sunday night! I went into the feedback screening feeling like one character's arc was lacking a certain something, and the screening gave me clarity on what that was. I avoided the thought of shooting anything new with the actor, though, because she (Sarah Haruko) had moved to LA. However, a perfectly timed work trip allowed me to brainstorm a quick scene that could be shot on the west coast and effectively fill in this narrative gap. Thanks to Sarah for being fully committed to finishing up this film, Chris Orsi for helping shoot, and friends Cat Papadimitriou & Chris Haddix for loaning a camera, we pulled it off! 

Check out a raw screenshot. 

I even make a cameo!

Thank you all for making this possible. Stay tuned for more as we make progress through post-production!