game brunch

Encore Screening at Revolution Me Film Festival

Last Friday, our short Game Brunch had an encore screening at Revolution Me Film Festival at The Vino Theater in Brooklyn. We’re so honored to have been given a live screening after 2 wins and 5 nominations at the virtual 2021 festival! Sadly, Christina’s beloved cat Addie passed away last month and she wasn’t feeling up for heading back into the City for mingling and Q&Aing, so one of the wonderful lead actors Ricki Lynée was lovely enough to represent the film at the screening. She said it got lots of laughs and was a fun evening overall.

Game Brunch wins at Revolution Me Film Festival

We’re proud and grateful to have Game Brunch as the winner for Best Ensemble at Revolution Me Film Festival! And our founder, Christina ,is this year’s recipient of the REME Award, which is short for Revolution Me and is an honor bestowed to one filmmaker every other year who has made an impact in the Revolution Me and local film community.

It was also nominated for Best Comedy, Best Director, Best Actor (Ricardo Manigat), and best Actress (Ricki Lynée).


"Game Brunch" Online Premiere

Update August 27: check out this sweet review from Cinema Crazed.

It's Sunday, which means it's the perfect day for brunch. And there's a full moon tonight, which means it's an extra perfect day for "Game Brunch." Watch the film now, it just premiered on Film Shortage!

(Shot in November 2019 - see behind the scenes.)

Its festival run isn't over yet. There'll be chances to catch it on a big screen in the fall. Stay tuned for details! But in the meantime, feel free to watch and share through your small screens! And if it makes you chuckle, we'd love it if you'd add your thoughts to the film's Letterboxd page!

Director Statement

“Game Brunch,” like most of our recent projects, came out of our weekly writing group, where Kelsey, Ryan and I (and sometimes other CongestedCat collaborators) encourage each other to come in with new pages or pitches every time we meet up. After working on some darker projects, I wanted to jump into something light-hearted with actors I've loved working with in the past or have wanted to work with for a while. I sat down one evening and tried to come up with an idea that could be shot in my apartment and could work as a short ensemble piece. I made a list of actors and started thinking about how I could pair them up. I recalled a game night I hosted years ago and found myself chuckling at the notion of revolving an entire film around one specific word (which I can’t reveal — you’ll just have to watch the film). I started writing and an hour later I had an absurd 15-page script. When I sent it out to my writing group members and some other trusted writers to read, everyone got a kick out of it and really encouraged me to direct it. A couple even said “please make it!” It was exciting to see such a positive response to it, especially from the actors I had in mind. They all eagerly accepted the roles. I think they, like me, needed a break from the overwhelming amount of things to be outraged about in the world and loved the idea of just focusing on making something fun. And what fun it was to make! I hope it's just as much fun to watch!

Also, here’s a collection of screenshots of audience reactions we saw throughout the film’s virtual run: