CongestedCat's 2020 Goals


After spending our first writing group of 2020 listing our collective goals as a team for the year, we realized that we’d like to share them publicly with our community. As a company committed to transparency about our creative process and making sure we take every step intentionally & strategically, we thought it’d be helpful to us to have the accountability of our peers and to encourage them to maybe share some creative goals of their own. Our list is ambitious, and we plan to tackle it with all the effort and optimism we’ve got. Here’s to a productive and inspiring year ahead!

Production Goals

  • Attend festivals for “Affliction,” “Shadows,” and “Game Brunch” with the intention of collecting audience emails and/or meeting producers with higher access to capital for our next big project.

    • We also have cultural impact intentions with “Affliction,” to spark nuanced conversation around consent. We plan to have a short but robust festival run across ideally less-progressive cities with strong local community turnout in order to engage people and build momentum for a free online release via press that'll grant us a larger platform specifically before the general election.

  • Produce at least one new short to come out of our weekly writing group.

  • By the end of the year, be on the road to production of another feature film.

    • finish feature film script

    • feedback from potential talent

    • attach a producer

IndieWorks Goals

  • Secure a fiscal sponsor so that we can apply for the Community Arts grant from Queens Council on the Arts at the end of the year in order to rent a Queens theater for Year 8 Best of Fest and offer stipends to our volunteer staff through 2021.

  • Build enough momentum and local awareness in Sunnyside so that we can get back to our previous minimum attendance of 45 people each month, with 1/4 of the audience not affiliated with a specific film of the evening. We want to regain living by our motto, “Discover Shorts. Find an Audience. Build the Community,” on a regular basis in our new home.